Name: acenate-sp tablet
Substitutes for acenate-sp tablet
If acenate-sp tablet is unavailable, consider these alternatives. (If alternatives are available, they will be listed below)
- Asozen SR Plus 100mg/325mg/10mg Tablet
- Accept-SP Tablet
- Combifenac SP 100mg/325mg/10mg Tablet
- Aceloflam SP Tablet
- Parofen-S Tablet
Common Side Effects of acenate-sp tablet
Patients using acenate-sp tablet may experience the following side effects:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Stomach pain
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
Uses of acenate-sp tablet
acenate-sp tablet is commonly used for:
- Pain relief
Additional Information
Chemical Class:
Habit Forming: No
Therapeutic Class: PAIN ANALGESICS
Action Class:
acenate-sp tablet is a widely used medication for treating various conditions. Always consult your healthcare provider for more information and before starting any new medication.